Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I become a member?

Send us your details using the Contact Us form. If there is a waiting list then priority will be given to local applicants. See also Membership and Subs

Do you have to live in East Dean to become a member?

No. Membership is open to anyone over 18 years of age, but if there is a waiting list then prioirty will be given to local applicants.

How often do you meet?

We meet on Tuesdays between 09.30am and 12noon.

For the months September through May, we meet at the East Dean & Friston Village Hall, except for the week of the annual Art Show, and we take a break in December. 

For the months of June, July and August we meet at various outside locations. Members are advised of the programme nearer the time. 

See also Annual Programme

When do you hold the annual Art Show?

The annual Art Show is held over the early May bank holiday weekend at the village hall 

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